Monday, 4 May 2015

Italy: Police harassment of the anarchist Lello Valitutti

A side-note from the noexpo demonstration on May Day in Milan.

According to the editors of the counter-info project Crocenera, Lello Valitutti, found himself isolated from the rest of his comrades at the tail-end of the demonstration. Lello was approached by two plainclothes cops who began hitting him in the end and making various threats against him (..."we know who you are," "we will pay a visit to you at home," etc etc) and inviting uniformed cops who were present to detain him which did not happen as Lello travels in a bulky wheelchair and as you could imagine this would have caused all kinds of logistical problems and also would have damaged the image of those who pretend to be the guardians of order.

Lello has been involved in anarchist struggle for many years (as far back as 1969 in Milan, in the hunger strikes and many years of incarceration he suffered for membership of Revolutionary Action as well as numerous arrests and experiences of struggle in Latin America) and has never been intimidated by the provocations of the police so he was not about to bow down to two plainclothes cops now.

Lello is far from being a victim however we still feel it is important to circulate this news and we invite anybody who has information about this incident or similar acts of repression to send it to us or circulate it...including photos...that way the faces of the pieces of shit can be memorized immediately.

Anarchist Black Cross, May 3rd, 2015.

(via Contra Info)