Friday, 12 June 2015

Greece: Personal vehicles of cops torched in memory of Spyros Dravilas


Absolutely true accounts of prisoners back then, say that when Spyros Dravilas (who until then pretended to be a rich kid who liked to fly around with helicopters) ordered the pilot to fly down over the prisons of Korydallos, Vassilis Paleokostas was waving a red banner with Che Guevara on it, in order to signal the landing spot in the yard of the 1st wing.

What an unbelievably beautiful moment when “… one more attack on this world was put into motion…”.

Spyros Dravilas lived the years that followed on the edge, with moments of attack on the world of uniformed murderers, of money, of snitching, of the correctional beast. And maybe his exit could not
have been carried out in a less absolute way than the way he lived.

So in order for us to honour his memory, on Monday June 8th we torched the personal vehicles of cops on Dikearhou Street in Gouva area and Grammou Street in Marousi area. The memory of Spyros Dravilas should remain for ever alive in the  thoughts of those who continue the war,inside and outside the prisons.

A raised fist and strength to anarchist Grigoris Tsironis and to Spyros Christodoulou.

(via act for freedom now!)