Sunday 24 May 2015
Czech Republic: Solidarity against Operation Fénix
On Tuesday, April 28 the Czech police, apparently inspired by their European colleagues, launched a series of repressions against the anarchist movement under the name of "Operation Fénix." Within the context of this operation arrests, house searches, the seizure of servers and interrogations took place. Three anarchists still remain behind the walls of the remand prison while the others remain in 'freedom' waiting to be judged.
The whole event was presented as a police crackdown on 'terrorists' - a label that was readily and willingly embraced by the media who then legitimized the police actions by inducing and nurturing panic within the general public.
It is not surprising that actions have been conducted with the aim of suppressing the growing anarchist movement in the Czech Republic as our struggle against inequality via self-organizaton without relying on official institutions or their laws is very undesirable for the state.
The history of 'terrorism' tells us that the state themselves do not hesitate to use the tactics of terror and injustice - whether it's police repression, the wars waged by armies, anti social policies and ubiquitous camera surveillance sanctioned by municipal authorities or the exploitation of workers by employers.
So who are the real 'criminals' and 'terrorists'?
The arrest and indictiments against our comrades show that it is the state who are the terorists not us! We build unity, create alternatives and reveal who robs and exploits us!
We call for the immediate cessation of police persecutions!
Stop the prosecutions and withdraw all the charges!
We express our solidarity with our comrades and we will continue to fight!
*Note: text on illustration reads: Repression can never stop freedom!
(via jailbreaking, translated by insurrection news)